Mini Science TY Programme 2025 : 18th, 19th &20th March 2025

Each year we host a Mini Science TY programme at the labs and facilities of RCSI. The programme involves some hands on lab experience and talks from researchers that are researching various diseases i.e Cancer, Neurodegeneration, Systems Biology and more. Applicants should have an interest in science at school and be curious about the world around them.

Click on the link below for a short video clip on the TY programme

Mini Science TY video

Please fill in the application form below and send to

Below are some pictures of various TY Programmes we hosted over the years.

05/02/2018, Mini Science TY programme, RCSI, Dept. of Physiology and Medical Physics, 3rd Floor, York House, York Street, Dublin 2 (Picture by: Lafayette Photography)

if you are a teacher and would like to have a RCSI tour, please get in touch with us